Product Details

ISBN 9780141322575
Format Trade Paperback
Ages 10-13
Grades 5-8
Pages 240
Publisher Puffin Books
Peter Pan
by J.M. Barrie
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell lead the three Darling children over the rooftops of London and away to Neverland – the island where the lost boys play. Magic and mischief is in the air but if villainous Captain Hook has his way, before long someone will be swimming with the crocodiles . . .
About the Author
J.M. Barrie (1860-1937) was a Scottish author and playwright, best known for Peter Pan.

Product Details

ISBN 9780141322575
Format Trade Paperback
Ages 10-13
Grades 5-8
Pages 240
Publisher Puffin Books
Peter Pan
by J.M. Barrie
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell lead the three Darling children over the rooftops of London and away to Neverland – the island where the lost boys play. Magic and mischief is in the air but if villainous Captain Hook has his way, before long someone will be swimming with the crocodiles . . .
About the Author
J.M. Barrie (1860-1937) was a Scottish author and playwright, best known for Peter Pan.