Product Details

ISBN 9781622826667
Format Hardcover
Ages 3-5
Grades PK-K
Pages 48
Publisher Sophia Institute Press
by Frank Fraser
In this beautifully illustrated journey without words, a glum little pig named Vincent is given a mysterious gift that fills his heart with something he’s never possessed: Love. But all too soon Vincent’s new found love is tested when he chances upon a sad little character in need. Vincent is forced to make a difficult decision, but one that leads to some very unexpected results.
About the Author
Frank Fraser is an award-winning artist, designer, illustrator, and writer who for the past 35 years has worked in advertising, as a Creative Director for Disney Consumer Products and as a creator/producer of children’s entertainment for television and new media.

Product Details

ISBN 9781622826667
Format Hardcover
Ages 3-5
Grades PK-K
Pages 48
Publisher Sophia Institute Press
by Frank Fraser
In this beautifully illustrated journey without words, a glum little pig named Vincent is given a mysterious gift that fills his heart with something he’s never possessed: Love. But all too soon Vincent’s new found love is tested when he chances upon a sad little character in need. Vincent is forced to make a difficult decision, but one that leads to some very unexpected results.
About the Author
Frank Fraser is an award-winning artist, designer, illustrator, and writer who for the past 35 years has worked in advertising, as a Creative Director for Disney Consumer Products and as a creator/producer of children’s entertainment for television and new media.